понедельник, 5 марта 2018 г.

Ukrainian fighters at the “Kyiv Open Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi 2018”

Recently, young fighters from the SC “Borets” / ZR Team (Ukraine) successfully competed at the international tournament “Kyiv Open Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi 2018”.
Competition took place at the sports hall of the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, on March 4th.  Young generation of the jiu-jitsu fighters doesn’t fall behind older teammates. Sportsmen of the SC “Borets” took 6 gold and 1 bronze medals at the “Kyiv Open Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi 2018” championship!

According to the head coach of the SC “Borets”- Ievgen Skyrda, all fighters showed high technical level. Each fighter had 4-5 matches, and most of them were finished prematurely. The “Kyiv Open Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi 2018” championship was visited by a great number of talented sportsmen, who represent the future of Brazilian jiu-jitsu in Ukraine.

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